În viaţă irosim ani şi la moarte cerşim clipe.

joi, 12 martie 2009

Citate.Stare ciudata.

Ok. Acum am o stare foarte... ciudata. O gramada de sentimente, dorinte si... vise? Nu stiu ce sa scriu pe blog, si totusi vreau sa o fac. Ma simt ciudat. 
Nu stiu ce se intampla cu mine. Parca vreau sa citesc, dar nu am chef... Si vreau sa vorbesc cu cineva... si nu am credit... Deci e imposibil... Nu mai inteleg nimic.
Ok. Acum mi-am mai revenit.[thx dizz]. Am baut apa si am vorbit cu Dizzy si acum ma simt mai bine, oarecum. Cel putin sunt in stare[cred] sa scriu ceva. 
Cateva citate preferate de prin carti: 
“Your number was up the first time I met you.” [Edward - Twilight]
“You were right - I’m definitely fighting fate trying to keep you alive.”[Edward - Twilight]
“I promise that this will be the last time you’ll see me. I won’t come back. I won’t put you through anything like this again. You can go on with your life without any more interference from me. It will be as if I’d never existed.” [Edward - Twilight] (cea mai dureroasa:-(()
It was very… hard — you can’t imagine how hard — for me to simply take you away, and leave them… alive.[Edward - Twilight]
"Of course, I’ll always love you… in a way. But what happened the other night made me realize that it’s time for a change. Because I’m… tired of pretending to be something I’m not, Bella. I am not human."[Edward - New Moon]
"Anyway, I'm not going to stay behind while some stripling gets to run around with a dragon" [Brom - Eragon]
"There's a reason why we're born with brains in our heads, not rocks."[Brom - Eragon]
 "And now for the greatest adventure of all." [Brom - Eragon] 
"Guard Saphira with your life,for without her it's hardly worth living" [Brom - Eragon]
"Find Peace in where and what you are." [Saphira - Eragon]
"Farwell Eragon, rider of dragons...my life is in your hands." [Arya - Eragon]  
Ma rog, poate in postul urmator o sa am mai multa inspiratie si voi pune mai multe. Acum doar pe astea mi le-am amintit. Oricum, acum ma simt bine. Aproape mi-am revenit :)). 
Eragon[defapt Brom] e magic. 
Si ca tot am dat citate din Twilight, respectiv Edward Cullen, vreau sa specific ca abea astept sa apara ECLIPSE. Cica apare pe 13 sau pe 15, deci o voi avea curand. Abea astept sa vad ce prostii mai atrage magnetul ala uman, numit Bella. Si in ce incurcaturi se mai baga Edward ca sa o salveze. :)) Nu zic asta pt ca nu stiu actiunea, dar vreau sa vad cum traduc romanii...Sper sa se inteleaga ceva:)) 

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