În viaţă irosim ani şi la moarte cerşim clipe.

miercuri, 1 aprilie 2009

Vampire's Heart.

Poate ca e ciudat ca postez acum. Am o stare destul de ... greu de inteles. Imi vine sa plang, sa rad ... si sa ma gandesc la o gramada de chestii interzise.
Si Lestat...El ma omoara :x. E mai mult decat idiot. Dintre toate greselile care le poate face, se incurca cu cele mai mari...
E de neinteles fiinta aia ... Da' tu nu intelegi, asa? Ciudat ca iti vorbesc de o fiinta care nu exista, si care ma pasioneaza atat de mult, nu?
Insa e la fel de ciudat ca am curaj sa scriu pe blog in starea asta ... Mintea mea nu functioneaza bine. Deloc. Si aberez... Si nu stiu ce sa mai zic ...
Din toate nu rezulta nimic. Nici macar ziua de azi nu sunt capabila sa mi-o amintesc. Nici macar...

Si acum cam ce ar mai fii de zis? Cred ca se incheia si treaba asta. Ah, da' am uitat. Lestat e. .. magnific. Am scris pe preacunoscutul GOOGLE Lestat Quote si a dat... E o introducere... Cat imi place :X . O sa pun cateva citate:x

Sure, Lestat is fun to read about, but you can also learn from him. No, I'm not talking about learning the proper way to stalk and kill a slimy serial murderer who preys on innocent old ladies, but life lessons, stuff you could actually use that won't result in major prison time. Here, various quotes and sayings of the Blond One will be analyzed, dissected, and applied to actual life situations. Hopefully, some of the stuff will shed new light on these wonderful books, and might actually give you a greater appreciation for this wonderful character. Keep in mind that these are mostly my musings on the wisdom of Lestat, so if you have something you'd like to impart upon the masses, go ahead and submit your own lesson.

"I don't like myself, you know. I love myself, of course. I'm devoted to myself till my dying day. But I don't like myself."

"Did I love her?" "Is that what you want to know? Yes, I loved her."

Si cateva din film[cred]

"Lestat: No one could resist me, not even you, Louis.
Louis: I tried.
Lestat: [smiling] And the more you tried, the more I wanted you."

" Oh Louis, Louis. Still whining Louis. Have you heard enough? I've had to listen to that for centuries."

"With all my black little heart."

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