În viaţă irosim ani şi la moarte cerşim clipe.

marți, 14 aprilie 2009

Citate Twilight.

Azi am ajuns acasa pentru mai putin de 20 de minute. Si e interesant... Ah! Cu adevarat interesant. Am citit 322 de pagini din Twilight si o adoor. Ma rog, e ceva normal... Stiam ca asa va fii. Mereu asa a fost. Oricum, acu' cateva citate din Eclipse:

But if you ever bring her back damaged again — and I don’t care whose fault it is; I don’t care if she merely trips, or if a meteor falls out of the sky and hits her in the head — if you return her to me in less than the perfect condition that I left her in, you will be running with three legs. Do you understand that, mongrel?[Edward]

I can’t wait to see what Edward does to you! I hope he snaps your neck, you pushy, obnoxious, moronic DOG![Bella]

I’m really glad Edward didn’t kill you. Everything’s so much more fun with you around. [Emmett]

I’m sure you’ll ace your classes… apparently there’s nothing interesting for you to do at night besides study. [Emmett]

I’m not going down without a fight.[Emmett]
You didn’t do anything. That’s the problem. You never do anything.[Charlie]
What do I look like, a pack mule? [Jacob]
I’ll try not to break anything.[Emmett] 

You truly are one frightening little monster.[Jasper] 
Ok.Personaju' meu preferat e Edward si apoi absolut normal, Emmett :x. Desigur ma enerveaza Bella. E iritanta. Gandeste ingrozitooor. Da' e ok pana la urma... In orice caz... Revenind la viata personala:)). E super :x Am fost in Chei unde era cat pe ce sa zbor... Spun "era" pt ca exact cand a fost sa iau seleta a cazut unu' si gata... A devenit treaba interzisa... Ohh:( Bine macar ca am avut parte de volan :)). Saraca masina... O compatimesc...
Si totusi imi place. E printre putinele situatii in care rad fara sa ma chinui, fara sa ma prefac. E cel mai ... bine :x
Si poate la vara fac rost si de o tura cu crossu' :x

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